Sidebar Layouts in Yaatra

Sidebar Layouts are just as the name suggests. They are specifical layouts for your sidebars and will be effective only if you choose to implement them in your website.

To changes layouts for your sidebars,

  • Open your WordPress Dashboard
  • Go to Appearance>>Themes and then click on the “Customize” option in the Yaatra.
  • Go to General Settings>>>Sidebar layout

Now, you have to find yourself in the settings menu of Sidebar’s Layout

You have three Innerpages where you can customize your layouts for your sidebars.

  • Archive/Blog Sidebar Layout
  • Posts Sidebar Layout
  • Pages Sidebar Layout

The Layout options for given sections are same as given in the image above

We have 4 different options to customize your Sidebars.

  • Right Sidebar: This option will shift your sidebar to the right-side of the screen.
  • Left Sidebar: This option will put your sidebar to the left of your screen.
  • Both Sidebars: Both Sidebars will create sidebar on the both side of the screen. Your sidebars will appear on the both right and left side.
  • No Sidebar: This removes all the sidebar for the section you have chosen to do so.

Implement them as per your preference and click the Publish button to save your changes.