Installing Theme via the WordPress Interface
Buy Fullscreen Agency Pro Theme and save the downloaded theme zip file on your hard drive.
Fullscreen Agency Pro comes in bundled with the theme zip file and documentation zip, which you must unzip bundle.
Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes >> Add New.
Click on Upload Theme button at the top and browse the file from the extracted/unzipped in your computer file location.
Click on Install and activate the theme.
Click on Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize, for further setup.
Installation Via FTP/Cpanel
Buy Fullscreen Agency Pro Theme and save the downloaded theme zip file on your hard drive.
Fullscreen Agency Pro comes in bundled with the theme zip file and documentation zip, which you must unzip bundle.
Now Connect the FTP server using the FTP details and copy the extracted folder to 'site-name/wp-content/themes/' path.
Now, go to the Dashboard >> Appearance >> Themes.
You will see the Fullscreen Agency Pro theme in the theme dashboard.
Activate the Fullscreen Agency Pro theme.
Click on Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize for further setup.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >> Site Identity.
- Click on Select Logo for upload or change site logo from the existing logo. ( preferred size for the logo is 300x50 ).
- Add the Site Title and Tagline.
- Checkbox option about site title and tagline display.
- Click on Select Image for Site Icon.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >> Colors.
- Choose the color for header text of your site from Header Text Color option. From here you can choose limited template color for header text of your site.
- Then, click on Save & Publish button.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >> Colors.
- Choose the color for your site from Primary Color option. From here you can choose limited template color for your site.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure HomePage Settings
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >> HomePage Settings.
- Choose your latest posts/a static page on the homepage displays option.
- If you choose a Static page, select the available options on the homepage box.
- Next, Select the available options on the post pages box.
- Tick on the checkbox if you want to hide the latest posts on the homepage.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> General Settings >>Site Settings.
- Click the enable/disable the option to display Wow Animation.
- Click on the enable/disable option to display Preloader.
- If you enable preloader, select the available options on the site preloaders box
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Hero Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Hero Section.
- Choose available color and pattern to manage your Overlay Color and Pattern.
- Click on the Enable/Disable option to display Hero Section.
- If you enable hero section, then all additional field will appear.
- Select the section layout from available layouts as you like.
- Then, add the Sub-Title on the box.
- Click on the "Select Image" to add the hero Image.
- Add the Hero Title on the box.
- Next Add Content, Button Label, and URL on the box.
- If you disable hero section, then choose section layout from the available layout.
- Next, click on Add New and choose available Header Slider Control.
- Next type the slider pause time and each transition duration.
- Then, click on the Enable/Disable option to display Slider pager and Slider controls.
- Click on Enable/Disable/Fade option to display the Slider Effect and Auto Slide slider.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure About Us Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> About Us Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display About Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image
- Select page from the available drop-down option.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Services Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Services Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display Services Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select the available category from the drop-down option.
- Type the number of Post count on the box.
- Add the Read More Button text on the box.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure the Portfolio Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Portfolio Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display Portfolio Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select the available category from the drop-down option.
- Next, type the number of Post count on the box.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Testimonial Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Testimonial Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display Testimonial Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select the available category from the drop-down option.
- Then, click on the Enable/Disable option to show Slider controls.
- Click on Enable/Disable/Fade option to display the Slider Effect and Auto Slide slider.
- Next type the slider pause time and each transition duration.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure the Blog Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Blog Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display the Blog Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select the available category from the drop-down option.
- Next, type the number of Post count on the box.
- Add the Read More Button on the box.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Woocommerce Section
- Firstly,go to Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New >> Search for Woocommerce Plugin. Install and Activate.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Woocommerce Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display the Woocommerce Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select the available latest/featured product to display from the drop-down option.
- Next, type the number of Product count on the box.
- Next Add Button Text, and URL on the box.
- Then, click on the Enable/Disable option to display the Woocommerce Slider and Slider controls.
- Click on Enable/Disable/Fade option to display the Slider Effect and Auto Slide slider.
- Next type the slider pause time and each transition duration.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Counter Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Counter Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display the Counter Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Next, click on the Add new value.
- Add the icon, number, and text on the box. you can add up to 4 rows.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Team Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >>Team Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display the Team Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image. The designation of an employee can be typed in caption while uploading an image.
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Next, type the number of Post count on the box.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
- To add Team Social Icon go to team >> add new team.
- Then, click on Social Media Icon.
- Next, select social Media Logo and type URL then click on add icon.
Configure Contact Section
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >>Contact Section.
- Click Enable/Disable option to display Contact Section.
- Select the Section layout from available layouts.
- Choose Background Color and Background Pattern from available option.
- Next, click on the "Select Image" to add the Background Image
- Add the Section Title on the box.
- Select page from the available drop-down option.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Homepage Section Reorder
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Frontpage Settings >> Homepage Section Reorder.
- Drag and Drop each section in the order you want to display.
- Click on the eye icon to enable/disable the sections.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Archives Pages
Settings are effected on the archive, categories, search pages.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Design Settings >> Archive Settings.
Choose the suitable blog sidebar layout from available options under Archive/Blog Sidebar Layout.
Add the read more button text under Read More Text.
Then, Click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Pages
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Design Settings >> Page Settings.
- Choose the suitable sidebar layout from available options under Page Sidebars Layout.
- Then, Click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure 404 Page
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Design Settings >> 404 Page Settings.
- Click on the "Select Image" to add the Image.
- Click on the Enable/Disable option to add custom content.
- Then, add Page Title on the box.
- After that, click on the Select Image button to upload page image under Error Page Image.
- Next, add contents under Page Content.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Typography Settings.
- Here are the sections for Paragraph, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. All section have the same options to configure.
- Options are:
- Set the Font Family, Font Variant, Text Transform, checkbox, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, Text Align, Text Transformation, and Font Color.
- Check the checkbox to download font-family to a server instead of using the Google CDN.
- Then, Click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Store Notice
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce>>Store Notice.
- Type your text on the box.
- Enable/Disable store notice to show text about events on site-wide.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Product Catalog
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce>> Product Catalog.
- Select the shop page display, category display, and default product sorting from the drop-down option.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Product Image
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce>> Product image.
- Set the numbers for image width and thumbnail width on the box.
- Choose the thumbnail cropping from the given option.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
Configure Checkout
These options let you change the appearance of the Woocommerce checkout.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce>> Checkout.
- Select the Company name field, Address line field and phone filed from the drop-down option.
- Then Select the privacy policy page and Terms and Conditions Page from the drop-down option below.
The Privacy Policy Page and Condition Page must be pre-made.
- Optionally add privacy policy text under Privacy Policy.
- Optionally add terms and conditions under Terms and Conditions.
- Then, click on the Save & Publish button.
- Go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize >> Additional Css
Add your own CSS code here to customize the appearance and layout of your site.
In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character.
To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key.
Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key twice.
The edit field automatically highlights code syntax. You can disable this in your user profile to work in plain text mode.
Creating New Category
- Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> Categories
- Enter Category name at Name field.
- Enter the category slug if you need different from category name, but leave it as blank.
- Select the existing category from dropdown if you want to make child category, otherwise, leave it as None.
- Enter the category description if you needed.
- Click on Add New Category button.
Creating New Post
- Go to Dashboard >> Posts >> Add New
- Enter the post title and add the post content in the editor area.
- Choose the categories from lists and enter tags as you like.
- Choose the sidebar option from available lists which is more priority than customizer option.
- Select the featured image for the post.
- Click on Publish button.
Creating New Page
- Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New
- Enter the page title and add the page content in the editor area.
- Choose the existing page if you want to create a child page, otherwise leave it.
- Choose the available page template if you want.
- Choose the sidebar from available options.
- No need to add featured image for the page.
- Click on Publish button.